Christian Counseling

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

– Romans 12:2

It’s not supposed to be this way.

What plans or thoughts have you had about how your life should turn out?

I thought I had my “fair share” of struggle, and things would get better.

I didn’t plan on having health issues that made me feel so tired and drained the life out of me.

I have worked hard and pushed myself to reach every goal/idea. I have set out to make things “easier,” so I didn’t have to work so hard.

I thought I would relax and not feel so stressed about everyday life.


Disappointment may actually be a gift from God that feels nothing like a gift. Disappointment does not mean that God is withholding good, but it may be His way of guiding us Home.

God’s perspective is very different from our own.

He sees the full picture and knows where He is taking us.

But Satan can use this disappointment to rewrite the story and isolate us. If he can isolate us, he can influence us. If he can influence us, then we may begin to question God. And that’s his goal: to separate us from God.

We are in the world, but not of the world. Together, we will identify God’s truths. You will learn to wrestle well with life and experience the hope you can have for the future.

“The peace of God be with you all. Amen.” – Romans 15:33

Counseling guided by the Holy Spirit…

“Christian counseling is not just a counseling technique we learn; rather, it is a dynamic, living encounter with God, who is the ‘Wonderful Counselor.'” (Isaiah 9:6) – From Christ-Centered Therapy

God created us unique from all other living things and creatures. We were created in the image of God. As such, we are both physical and spiritual beings.

I counsel from a Christian worldview and embrace both spiritual resources and insights and methodologies from the sciences of mental health. I incorporate physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the whole person.

Using a Biblical Strategy for Christian counseling, both personal and spiritual conflicts are identified and need to be resolved to receive the truth.

Root issues are identified to sort out and identify faulty beliefs and lies.

You need to know who you are in Christ and understand what it means to be a child of God. Helping you feel safe and accepted is an important foundation for further growth.

Growth issues are identified to build up your identity in Christ.

You need to know and acknowledge any stumbling blocks in your life that are getting in the way of fulfilling your biblical purpose in life.

Living issues are identified to help you function in your everyday life in a responsible way as children of God.

Utilizing the Steps to Freedom in Christ, we address the spiritual battle that wages in the mind. These steps are a tool to help you submit to God and resist the devil. It is not these steps specifically that set you free – Christ achieved your freedom on the cross. What sets you free is your response to Him in repentance and faith.

Win the battle for your mind

You can experience freedom in Christ.

Call me for a free 15-minute consultation: (907) 691-4528.